Multiparameter control modeling of electrical signal in a medium voltage network by Markov random approach

  • D. Kabeya Nahum Academy of sciences & Engineering for Africa Development, ASEAD
  • G.T. G.B. Kosso ESU/ISTA-Kinshasa University, Ndolo Campus, Barumbu, DR Congo
  • C.T. Mbikayi
  • Sadiki Amisini Institute of Energy and Power plant Technology, Technische universität Darmstadt, Germa
  • L.Y. Kabeya Mukeba ESU/ISTA-Kinshasa University, Ndolo Campus, Barumbu, DR Congo


Abstract— In this paper, the electrical signals coupled to the fields present in a medium voltage network are analyzed by the random Markov approach. The aim is to determine the functional constant with infinite duration through multi-variable stabilization in commandability and controllability. The coherence between the field works and the simulation is obtained with an error of 4% by using the MATLAB even though the application of Markov random approach in electrical networks still requires further improvement. This task is left for future work.


Keywords- signals, network, voltage, multiparameter, Markov random approach.

Short Reports