Efficient Control of IGBT Transistor as Part of Overvoltage Protection

  • Nenad Jovančić R&D department, KV Team, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Nijaz Hadžimejlić R&D department, KV Team, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Pero Ćeklić R&D department, KV Team, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keywords: TD350parasitic inductance, overvoltage protection, power converter, IGBT


Providing reliable and efficient operation of electronic devices often requires introducing of an additional protection from electric circuit parasitic components during the design stage. The paper analyzes the influence of a parasitic inductance on overvoltage at switching elements, which is an unavoidable part of the most electronic converters. The paper also describes the basic methods for avoiding this phenomenon. One example of an overvoltage protection of IGBT transistors based on TD350 control circuit is presented for a specific converter.

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